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About Middle East Technical University

The purpose of this page to give a brief information about METU.


METU was established in 1956 and it is one of the highly reputable universities in Turkey (it has been ranked as one of the top 3 state universities of Turkey). Education quality has been considered as high and in most technical fields it is meeting US standards. All courses at METU are given in English, and tenure track position -assistant, associate and full professors are expected to have international research experience, and receiving a PhD or postdoc degree in US or Europe.


Internationally, METU has been also recognized by many organizations in term of education quality and research collaboration. According to QS Top universities ranking in 2018, METU’s general ranking is in the same range with Iowa State University and Colorado State University (#471-480). These universities are given as examples here because they are comparable US state universities in the similar rankings. Specific to computer science and information systems category, METU has a good standing (#251-300) compared to ISU (#301-350) and CSU (#251-500), and has similar ranking with Dartmouth College, University of California Santa Cruz and University of Florida.


Please see below for comparison among universities, and this Wiki page for further reading about METU and its history. 

QS - General ranking (yellow score) and Computer Science and Information System category (blue score) with record sheets below

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