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Please see this ResearchGate projects page for the updates on the recent projects.



Role: PI

HRSA Building Bridges to Better Health: A Primary Health Care Challenge (Phase 1) award recipient. 



Role: Co-PI
AHRQ Digital Solutions to Support Care Transitions Challenge- Phase 1. Development of EHR-integrated mobile translation app (DigaMedico) for non-English speaker caregivers of children with medical complexities. 



Role: Co-I
NIH R21 grant - Development of Multi-Platform Mobile App Technology for Real-Time Measurement of Menstrual Cycle Characteristics in Adolescents. 



Role: Co-I
CDC National Center for Injury Prevention and Control multicenter grant - Behind the wheel (BTW): Utilizing quantified smartphone technology to promote safe driving behavior in adolescents during the learning-to-drive phase. 



Role: Co-I
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) grant for the development of medical adherence app. 



Role: Co-I
The Ohio State University College of Nursing (CON) research grant - Hi FIVE: Multimodal digital behavior intervention (voice interactive device + wearable/text) for families having kids with obesity through a two-arm randomized trial.



Role: Co-PI
HRSA- Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Care Coordination for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Challenge - Phase 1 Design prize and Phase 2 Development prize winner- SpeakHealth: A shared (EHR/patient portal integrated), voice-enabled, real-time, and AI-powered home medical diary app for children with special health care needs. 



Roles: Co-PI
HIMSS developer challenge – 1st place award winner – Team SMILE Stress management intervention and education tool on voice-activated devices for mothers to reduce infant mortality rates in low-income populations.(Introduction video)



Role: Co-I
Technology development fund at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Symptom tracking for kids with communication limitations. Interactive mobile app design and development. 



Role: Co-I
NAPNAP Foundation. Behavioral health research grant for mHealth stress management pilot study. 



Role: Project scientist and stakeholder engagement specialist
PCORI. “QREK: Unlocking Clinical Text in EMR by Query Refinement Using Both Knowledge Bases and Word Embedding”. 4-years project ($1M).




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Columbus, OH, USA

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